Saturday, August 2, 2008

Helpful Hint of the Day #5

Look on the bright side of things. It might get you somewhere.

Quick Update

We feel we should tell you this: we think Bunny is headed for California to take a short break from all his work. He will be going around making speeches and doing food drives in a while. Thank you for following us along with finding Bunny. But now, we believe that we've finally caught up with Bunny and we may have some new pictures for you. Thanks again.


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Helpful Hint of the Day #4

Try the other white meat.

Where is Bunny Headed Next? Part Four

We are indeed very, very sorry that we have taken so long to post. But now we're back, and with interesting news. Supposedly Bunny has already been to Colorado, made his speech, and has gone on to do his Food Drive in Kansas that he was planning. But we were too late: Bunny had already finished his Food Drive.

If you're wondering why we have taken so long to post and why we keep missing Bunny, we'll tell you why. We admit now that our writers are rather lazy and most of our writers have completely forgotten about Bunny and our off doing other things. Also, as you may have noticed, our photographers have pretty much given up on taking pictures because there is no Bunny to take pictures of.

We're currently trying to find out what Bunny is up to and will get back to you later. But first, before we sign off, we'd like to say that we have Bunny's speech that he made in Colorado. He gave it to us before he took off from Peru. He sent it to our database in California, but he specifically told us not to show it to you. We are very sorry, but we really thank all you folks who have been following along with our chase after Bunny. Stay tuned for our next Helpful Hint of the Day!


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Helpful Hint of the Day #3

Bunny has lots of cookies and loves to share!

Where is Bunny Headed Next? Part Three

We are very sorry for having taken so long to post, but our laptop is now broken, so we had to wait to get back to California before we could post again. Yes, back to California. It turns out that our presumption that Bunny was in Perú is correct, but not that he is. When we arrived in Perú, we discovered that Bunny had already left. So we questioned the people there and discovered that he was headed for Colorado to make a speech on Global Warming.

So after our first discovery, we discovered that our laptop was broken, so we headed back to California. When there we researched a few things before making today's post. Such as where in Colorado Bunny is heading. We found out that it is in Denver, not surprisingly. So now we are heading by airplane to Denver, Colorado, in hopes that we can see Bunny's speech for ourselves. We believe that we may have finally caught up with Bunny once and for all!

And by the way, we hope that this post has answered our latest commenter's question as to why Bunny was in Perú. Because it turns out that Bunny wasn't in Perú for very long. So, if you are reading this post and have any questions, they will be gladly answered in the next post. Note that it will not necessarily be tomorrow.

The Bunny News Team

Friday, April 11, 2008

Helpful Hint of the Day #2

Bunny sets a good example by eating healthy!

Where is Bunny Headed Next? Part Two

Thanks to our loyal researchers, we have come up with a few helpful facts. First of all, we believe that Bunny is still in South America handing out food, as we slightly suspected. And not only that, we have also found out where in South America Bunny is. Bunny is currently in Perú. We are currently flying towards Perú in search of Bunny, in the hopes that our assumptions are correct.

Now, before we sign off, there are a few more things we need to tell you. For one, when we get to Perú, if Bunny is there, we will question him quite a bit, for the sake of you readers. But, any information we receive from him will go in tomorrow's post.

Although there is another thing that we know for sure: Bunny is certainly the only one who we can vote for, because both Ong and Yerzy have dropped out of the race.

Note: Helpful hint of the day will be posted directly after the making of this post.

The Bunny News Team

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Helpful Hint of the Day #1

Bunny eats healthy!

Where is Bunny Headed Next?

As you may know, if you read the last post, Bunny arrived in South America around a month ago. Note: One thing we forgot to tell you in the last post was exactly where in South America Bunny visited. To tell you the truth, we honestly have no idea. The only thing we know is that he finally got there.

Anyways, now that we are done speaking of yesterday's post, on to today. It is said that Bunny has gone off to Hawaii for a break from all his work for a time, but it is also thought by some that he is is still in South America, hiding out somewhere and making toast for the poor and homeless still. But that is not very likely to be true.

Currently, we are tracking down where Bunny is headed and where he currently is. We hope to get back to you tomorrow, possibly, with more information on Bunny's whereabouts. Every day we get a little closer to Bunny, thanks to our loyal photographers, journalists, and the likes.

Again, we hope to get back to you tomorrow with more information.

The Bunny News Team

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bunny Spotted in South America

After much traveling and a few stalls along the way, Bunny has finally arrived in South America to hand out food to the homeless and the poor there. Except the difference between now and back when Bunny gave food to the people in New Orleans, he is giving away waffles, rather than pancakes. The picture above specifically shows Bunny handing out waffles to the homeless in South America.

Since it has taken so long to reach South America, and since it has been so long since we have last checked up on Bunny HQ, we had trouble finding this picture of Bunny, because most people have completely forgotten about the campaign. We had one loyal photographer, however, who had managed to follow Bunny on his long and perilous journey to South America. It also took quite some time to actually find out that Bunny had really finally visited South America.

We approximate that Bunny visited South America around a month ago. We ourselves have not been fully paying attention to the campaign, and we apologize for that. But, now we find that it is rumored that Bunny is headed for somewhere else, also for a food drive. We currently have no idea where he is headed, but we will inform you of where he is headed later on.

The Bunny News Team